About the Communities for Animals Resource - By Who for Who, What, Why
This Communities for Animals community faciltator guide was developed as an update of the earlier manual produced by Brooke called ‘Sharing the Load’ (1). This updated version has been made as an online resource for ease of access, updating, and navigation,. It includes guidance on two additional approaches for working with communities beyond the initial approach outlined in sharing the load which was focused on working with community groups for collective action. In addition, it includes updated learning modules, participatory learning and action tools for use with communities, as well as new faciltiator resources for which provide useful guidance and templates for implementing community-based animal welfare improvement projects.
Recommended citation: Brooke (2022). Communities for Animals: a guide to participatory community-based approaches for changing behaviour to improve animal welfare. url: https://communitiesforanimals.thebrooke.org/en/welcome/
Guidance on how to navigate the resource
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